Rochester MN Home Inspector Discloses How to Cut Costs Efficiently, and Green up Your Home

It can be a challenge to keep your home cool and comfortable while keeping your energy bills in control, especially with the arrival of warmer weather. There are a few steps you can take now that will make your home more environmentally friendly while saving money and natural resources.

Air conditioners, fans, and other appliances that we run in the summer can eat up energy and drive up our utility costs. According to the EPA, the energy used in the average home is responsible for twice the greenhouse gas emissions that the average passenger car. Below are a few tips that you can implement that will help reduce your energy consumption and help to keep you comfortable.

Install a programmable thermostat and pre-set your indoor temperatures. This can save you up to 6% on your energy costs for every degree you raise your thermostat this summer. Most models are simple to operate, allowing you to program them around your family’s schedules.

If you have an old air conditioning unit, you may want to upgrade to a newer system that meets or exceeds the government energy standards.  For example, it is possible to have savings of up to 47% on new heating and air conditioning costs with a newer model.  Thanks to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, you may be eligible for tax credits if a new air condition and/or heating system meets energy efficiency requirements.   

Turn off lights and keep costs down. Being more efficient with your lighting is one of the fastest ways to reduce your electricity bills. Turning off lights when you leave a room will add to your energy savings.

How efficient are your exterior doors?  Old doors with poor seals may contribute to higher energy usage.  New exterior doors usually fit and seal better than older doors.  A new energy efficient door can help to stabilize your interior temperatures and decrease your energy usage.

Some other simple energy savers…  Even small acts of green can make a difference. Turning off your computer and monitor when not in use; lowering the thermostat on your water heater to 120 degrees; taking short showers instead of baths and washing only full loads of dishes and clothes can all add up to big savings on your homes energy consumption.