Home Tip

Rochester MN Home Inspector Recommends Cleaning and Maintaining Your Wood Burning Fireplace

There are many reasons to keep your homes fireplace and chimney clean and in tip top operating condition. A dirty chimney will reduce the effectiveness of a fireplace as a heat source. Severe neglect and lack of maintenance may result in a chimney fire. Chimney fires can lead to home fires.

The Key To A Beautiful Deck

Most of us will agree that the key to a great looking deck is to keep it maintained. That may mean staining it every couple of years. Most people can handle the process by themselves, but have a hard time finding the time, the right approach and the right products

Creating Curb Appeal On a Small Budget

Summer is here, and most of us and our neighbors are outside planting, trimming and preparing the patios and deck for cookouts. We're also taking time for evening strolls through the neighborhood. Looking around at what your neighbors are up to may result in a desire to improve your home's curb appeal.

Rochester MN Home Inspector Reveals Some Not So Obvious Fire Hazards

Not all fire hazards are as obvious or predictable. Some of these lesser known hazards are just as concerning because we don't see them coming until it's too late. Below is a list of the top ten unexpected fire hazards that may be in your home.

Rochester MN Home Inspector Shares How To Keep Your Home Comfortable Year Round

Homeowners are always looking for ways to update their homes. Upgrades to the kitchen and bath, or a fresh coat of paint can add value and look nice. Sometimes the most effective Do It Yourself projects aren’t visible at all.

Protecting Your Landscaping During The Snowy Season

We all put a lot of time and hard work into your yard during the summer. It’s late fall and you have taken the time to get things ready for winter. You know the drill: make sure your plans are all well watered before the ground freezes. Move house plans indoors. Clean up the flower beds, remove, cut back, mulch…etc.

Fall Home Maintenance Tips

Here we are, the end of October. Summer is over and we need to start thinking about preparing for winter. Below are some recommended home maintenance tips you should consider before the snow starts to fly.

Small Water Savings Tips That Have A Big Impact

Water and Sewer bills can be as high as $500 for the average household. According to the EPA, you can save up to $170 per year and conserve resources by making just a few small changes in your water usage. From replacing old and inefficient appliances to making small changes in your home, you have the potential to realize savings.

Rochester MN Home Inspection Company Discusses Wet Basements

The number one culprit for causing water penetration into the basement of a house is rain gutter downspouts discharging rain water right alongside the foundation. All downspouts should discharge the water at least five feet or more from the foundation.

Summer Storm Damage – Now What?

It’s Summer, and if you haven’t noticed yet, we have had a few storms. Once a storm has passed and it is safe to go outside, make a careful inspection of the exterior of your home and repair any minor damage that may have occurred.

Caulking Around You Tub And Shower

Something that every home owner should learn to do is caulk. Proper caulking can be your first defense against water intrusion. Whether you are caulking a tub or shower the hardest part of the whole job is cleaning out the old caulk. The newer silicone cauls work best and will last for years if installed properly.