Rochester MN Home Inspectors Discussion On Avoiding Home Repair Scams

Your doorbell rings and you aren't expecting company. You go to the door and there stands a salesman or contractor.  It's that time of year here in the Rochester and Southeastern MN area where the roofing contractors show up after a storm, and the driveway sealers want to give you a deal on your driveway.

Here are a few tips to avoid getting taken by a home repair scam artist. 

  • If you haven't called and scheduled an appointment with a contractor regarding roofing, painting or black top sealing, and you're not interested, don't even listen to the person at your door. 

  • Tell them you are not interested and simply close your door. 

Some of these people will try high pressure and or scare tactics to try and engage you. These guys may offer a free inspection and report along with estimates for repairs. 

  • Be very wary of cash payments deals, which usually means that no written contract will be offered.

  • Another tip off of scam artists are out of state license plates and toll free phone numbers and addresses.

Selecting a contractor for home repairs requires common sense and a little bit of homework.